Gubbio: Madonna della Cima Walk The Madonna della Cima walk takes 4-5 hours and is in the hills behind the Umbrian town of Gubbio. The walk starts and ends in the centre of Gubbio. The medieval town hall in Gubbio, Umbria The Funivia & St Ubaldo AfterRead more →
When you stay on the Tuscany Umbria border you have the option to visit both these Italian regions, here's a brief guide to some the larger towns in Umbria,. Perugia Perugia is the capital of Umbria, it is easy to miss out on thanks to the largeRead more →
Gubbio, Umbria Last week we went to visit the medieval Umbrian town of Gubbio, the day had started off with blue skies but by the time we arrived it had clouded over, giving the stone buildings of this impressive town a rather austere look. The town hall,Read more →
Gubbio Umbria Yesterday it was Good Friday and I decided to go to the town of Gubbio in Umbria for the evening procession. I had heard that it was quite spectacular and bonfires were lit in the streets. Good Friday Procession I arrived at around 8.30pm onlyRead more →
The Town Of Gubbio In Umbria Gubbio is a short drive from most of our Villas On The Tuscany Umbria Border. It is a beautiful medieval town perched on the slopes of Monte Ingino. In Roman times, Gubbio was located in the plain below but as theRead more →