San Gimignano, Tuscany The town of San Gimignano in Tuscany is famous for its medieval towers and, despite its small size it is on many people's "must see" list when visiting the region. We went for a day trip as I had never been there. Medieval towersRead more →
Santa Croce In Florence On our visit to Florence last week we visited the huge Franciscan church of Santa Croce, a short walk to the east from the centre. Several famous Tuscans are buried here, including Michelangelo, Galileo and Dante. The facade of Santa Croce in FlorenceRead more →
The Duomo In Florence When you visit Florence as we did this week, you cannot avoid seeing the Duomo and you will almost certainly walk past it, even if it is not on your list of things to do. Cathedrals took hundreds of years to build and whenRead more →
Gardens & Sculpture Parks Near The Tuscany Umbria Border There are several gardens and sculpture parks that can be visited from the Tuscany Umbria border. You could develop a week long garden themed itinerary for your holiday by visiting the places below - possibly combining the gardensRead more →