Migianella Walk, Niccone Valley
Yesterday afternoon I went over the route of the Migianella Walk from my book, Circular Walks On The Tuscany Umbria Border.
Start Near Spedalicchio
The walk starts with a climb from the Niccone Valley floor near the village of Spedalicchio. Near the top I stopped at this abandoned house to photograph the views and enjoy the views.
Orchids & Other Wild Flowers
There were plenty of orchids out and an amazing display of dandelions in the fields and between the olive trees.
Migianella Dei Marchesi
I made my way along the ridge towards the restored village of Migianella dei Marchesi, it’s now private property so not open for a look around. Monte Acuto loomed large in the background and there were spectacular views across the Niccone Valley and towards the Apennine mountains.
I met some friendly Italians living the good life and raising goats and other livestock, after enjoying a glass of wine with them I made my way onwards.
Wild Asparagus Foragers
Wherever I walk on the Tuscany Umbria border I am not surprised to come across a 4×4 Fiat Panda, I think this one was owned by people looking for wild asparagus, I could hear them chatting in the woods.
Half way around the walk my camera battery packed up, but I think these photos give you a pretty good idea of the scenery you’ll come across on the beautiful circular walk.