The Restaurant At I Girasoli di Sant’Andrea

A couple of weeks ago we booked an outside table at I Girasoli di Sant’Andrea, the restaurant at the front of our local winery in the Niccone Valley. Since I originally wrote this post the restaurant is now known as Ristorante Simone Corsetti.

Artichoke starter at I Girasoli di Sant'Andrea

Artichoke starter at I Girasoli di Sant’Andrea

What We Ate

The weather was perfect and the food delicious, a starter of artichokes cooked in three different ways, delicious fresh pasta and a Chianina steak served with greens and oven roasted potatoes, all washed down with a bottle of the vineyard’s Malvasia Nera.

Chicken cooked in a Mediterranean sauce

Chicken cooked in a Mediterranean sauce

So Good I’m Going Back Soon!

It was so good that I’m already looking forward to eating there again.

Chiannina Steak at I Girasoli di sant'Andrea Restaurant

Chiannina Steak at I Girasoli di sant’Andrea Restaurant

The Cost

Our meal cost €105 for 4 people, we ate a starter, two pastas, two large secondi (meat dishes including vegetables), three desserts, water and a bottle of wine.

The Winery

If you are interested in arranging a tour at the winery below the restaurant, you can find details here: I Girasoli di Sant’Andrea