Taverna Del Verziere In the middle of August there is a bank holiday called Ferragosto in Italy and the whole country pretty much shuts down for the day. This year the 15th fell on a Monday and we booked a table with friends at Taverna Del VerziereRead more →
The Upper Tiber Valley The River Tiber has its source high in the Appenine mountains to the north of Sansepolcro. The watershed of smaller rivers that flow into the wide Tiber valley where Tuscany and northern Umbria meet is known as the Upper Tiber Valley or, inRead more →
Montone, Umbria Montone is a hilltop village above the Tiber Valley in Umbria. It's close to most of our villas on the Tuscany Umbria border and definitely deserves a look. There are several restaurants in Montone and a couple of bars in the piazza, as well asRead more →