Tuscany & Umbria Blog

The Gorgacce Rentals blog has lots of useful information for the visitor to the Tuscany Umbria border, Italy. Use the category search to find specific articles on towns, art, restaurants, itineraries, activities, food and wine.

Towns In Tuscany & Umbria

Larger towns include Perugia, Arezzo, Siena and Florence. The many smaller towns you could visit include Cortona, Montepuciano, Assisi, Gubbio, Citta di Castello, Sansepolcro, Spoleto, Montefalco, Bevagna and Spello.

  • Activities
  • Ambrogio Lorenzetti
  • Antiques
  • Ape

5 Umbrian Towns

The Palazzo de Priori in Perugia, Umbria
When you stay on the Tuscany Umbria border you have the option to visit both these Italian regions, here's a brief guide to some the larger towns in Umbria,. Perugia Perugia is the capital of Umbria, it is easy to miss out on thanks to the largeRead more

The Battle Of Lake Trasimeno

A Legionnaire at Trasimeno
The Battle Of Lake Trasimeno Lake Trasimeno is entirely within the Italian region of Umbria but, in places, the Tuscan border runs very close to the northern and western shores. There was intense fighting in World War II near the Lake as allied forces pushed the GermansRead more

Cortona Walk

The church of Santa Margarita, Cortona
Directions For The Cortona Walk Here are the directions for the Cortona town walk taken from my e-book, Circular Walks On The Tuscany Umbria Border by Martin Daykin. You can also get this walk on your Kindle for free by clicking on "try a sample". Alternatively, youRead more

Gardens & Sculpture Parks

The face of the ogre at the Bomarzo Monster Park.
Gardens & Sculpture Parks Near The Tuscany Umbria Border There are several gardens and sculpture parks that can be visited from the Tuscany Umbria border. You could develop a week long garden themed itinerary for your holiday by visiting the places below - possibly combining the gardensRead more

Sant’Anna Ridge Walk

Autumnal colours in the Nestore Valley
Sant'Anna Ridge Walk A couple of days ago I walked along the ridge on the north side of the Niccone Valley past the chapel of Sant'Anna. The Niccone Valley seen from the ridge near Sant'Anna Sant'Anna is the highest point along this part of the ridge and,Read more

Etruscan Tomb Walk

The Tomba del Faggetto near Pantano, Umbria
Etruscan Tomb Short Walk Yesterday I went on another walk from my book, Circular Walks On The Tuscany Umbria Border, this time it was the Etruscan Tomb Short Walk. The Etruscan Tomb Tomba del Faggetto As the name suggests, the focal point of the walk is anRead more

Chimneys In Cortona

Today I had to visit the bank in Cortona, and used the opportunity to photograph some of the town's many chimneys. The sky was looking threatening and added a dramatic backdrop to the images, luckily for me, I got back to the car before the heavy downpour started.Read more